A Very Bitey Dinosaur

Oops I Git It Again

Or how i learned to stop worrying and love version control.

New build, who dis?

Out with the old, in with the new

SVG Experiments

Hands on with some SVGs

RSS Rebuild

Dragging an old project kicking and screaming back to the workbench.


VPN's the simple(r) way.

Python Web Scraping

No API? No Problem.

Pi 101

The basics of setting up a Raspberry Pi.

Wonky Wheel Calculations

A brief foray into the world of wheel building and the mathematics behind calculating spoke lengths.

Quick and Dirty K-Anonymity Password Checking

A quick bash script to check for compromised passwords.

Canvassing the Neighbourhood

Down the canvas element rabbit hole, giving some insight on how the dynamic background for this site is generated.